Texas dealers beware: 12 thieves make $50K hit near Houston
The Texas Motorcycle Dealers Association is informing its members of a recent robbery that has taken place on the north side of Houston.
TMDA’s executive director Michael T. Marks sent the following to the association:
Attention all powersports dealers: TMDA would like to make you aware of a recent robbery that has taken place at a dealership on the north side of Houston, Texas. They believe the thieves are an organized crew of professionals. They stole over $50,000 worth of bikes and accessories. There were 12 people caught on security cameras with two U-Haul trucks.
The theft happened on the morning of Saturday, July 1. The local news did a report on the incident and it was discovered that the thieves have also targeted dealerships in Georgia, Mississippi, and Louisiana previously and have now moved to Texas. They have hit some dealerships multiple times. The thefts are believed to have started last year, and have grown in size. A task force with state police from Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas has been formed. The group seems to be targeting dirt bikes and four wheelers. They are very well organized and planned in their attacks.
TMDA requests that all dealers please keep an eye out for the suspects. Take extra precautions at each of your dealerships.