Report: Supercross racer fined $5,000 for violation
The American Motorcyclist Association reported the decision made by the race director of the St. Louis Supercross to fine racer Chad Reed a sum of $5,000 for failing to follow a blue flag indication from AMA officials.
See the full report from AMA below:
On April 1, 2017, during the 450SX main event, while being lapped by the 2nd place rider, 16th place rider #22 Chad Reed failed to follow the direction of the AMA officials indicated by the blue flag. In doing so, rider #22 did impede the faster rider’s progress. This is a violation of rule 4.17.a
4.17 Flags and Lights
It is the rider’s responsibility to be aware of their surroundings at all times while on track. Safety is a main priority and the riders must obey all official signals and directions given to them. Any rider failing to do so may be penalized.
a. Solid Blue Flag:
1. Indicates you are about to be overtaken by faster riders.
2. When conditions allow, move out of the fast line.
3. Hold your line (do not ride erratically) and do not impede the faster riders progress.
4. Riders disregarding the blue flag may be black-flagged at the discretion of Race Director.
The decision of the race director is to impose a fine of $5,000.00 and the loss of five Championship points earned in the race. All fines collected are donated to the Alpinestar Mobile Medical Unit.
No appeal has been presented; the decision of the race director is final.