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DEI introduces 2017 race sponsorship program

Design Engineering, Inc. invites racers from all series and level of participation to become a member of Team DEI. The Team DEI sponsorship program includes all levels and series of grassroots racing and all vehicles – truck, car, kart and powersports.

As a member of Team DEI, sponsored participants receive discounted product and merchandise in exchange for promotion of DEI products inclusive of all the company’s brands: DEI, Boom Mat, CryO2, Radiator Relief and DEI Powersports.  The sponsorship agreement with DEI and the racer/race team is for one year and concludes at the end of the calendar year.

To apply for Team DEI an application for acceptance is required in the form of a proposal package. The proposal package should include driver/owner contact information, driver/rider resume, vehicle information including photos, specifications, all modifications to the vehicle, and information about the transporter, driver, and owner.

The proposal should also include the year’s show schedule, past media coverage or expected media coverage, and how the owner/rider will promote DEI. As with all sponsorship programs, there is a commitment to provide win updates, and how the DEI decals will be applied to the vehicle. Monthly follow-up emails are required. If accepted, updates of shows and race events can be submitted online.  Also, participants must sign an authorization to allow DEI to use the person’s name and image for potential advertising or literature.

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Dan Stark, DEI Team manager says, “As the industry’s leading supplier of heat and sound control products for racers, street performance enthusiasts and hobbyists, we are always looking for ways to mutually support grassroots motorsports and promote our brands at events and on the track. This has been a highly successful program and one that we believe has the greatest benefit in terms of on-site promotion.”

To begin the process to be a sponsored member of Team DEI, simply fill out the online form at, or download the application as a PDF and fax to 440/930-7967. Each sponsored racer or builder will receive DEI decals, and a DEI tee shirt and hat.  

For more information about DEI’s race sponsorship program, or DEI products, visit, call DEI at 800/264-9472 or e-mail:

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