Wells Fargo CDF introduces CDFconnect
Wells Fargo Commercial Distribution Finance (CDF), part of Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC), announced today the official launch of CDFconnectTM, a knowledge sharing program that delivers tools, subject matter experts, and training to help CDF’s network of 40,000 dealers, and 2,000 distributors and manufacturers grow their businesses. Customers who use CDFconnect will have access to business resources that can help to increase revenues, improve margins, gain market presence, and increase efficiencies.
“For over 60 years CDF has been helping customers in six key industries and operates in four global regions including Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Europe and the Middle East, and North America,” said Steve Battreall, chief executive officer of Wells Fargo CDF. “Using our long-standing history and broad reach, this new program will offer customers world-class support in areas beyond inventory floorplan financing. We believe CDFconnect will be an integral resource for our customers.”
Starting in September, Wells Fargo CDF experts conducted CDFconnect seminars to targeted industries at trade shows, dealer meetings, and events within the motorsports, outdoor products, and recreational vehicles industries. Existing CDFconnect seminar topics include succession planning, strategic planning and execution, and maximizing voice of customer feedback. The business expects to expand the program to other industries in early 2017. Additional topic areas that may be added to the program’s portfolio include:
- Inventory management
- Financial statements and key ratios
- Digital marketing and social media
- Leveraging customer feedback
- Economic and macro trends
- Industry specific issues facing business
- Leadership capabilities
For further information about CDFconnect, please visit cdf.wf.com/cdfconnect. Or to learn more about how to participate in an upcoming CDFconnect event, email cdfconnect@wellsfargo.com.