Levatich earns manufacturing award by Chief Executive
Chief Executive is pleased to announce that Matt Levatich, President and Chief Executive Officer of Harley-Davidson, has received the prestigious Leadership in Manufacturing award for Harley-Davidson’s dedication and commitment to excellence in manufacturing. The award was given to Levatich at Chief Executive’s 4th Annual Smart Manufacturing Summit in April.
Originally from Ithaca, New York, Levatich was trained as an engineer. He joined Harley-Davidson in 1994 and held a variety of positions in the company before being named president and CEO in May 2015. Throughout his career, he has advanced the company’s commitment to excellence in manufacturing, including smart manufacturing and lean capabilities.
In every Harley-Davidson manufacturing facility, lean manufacturing has been implemented with goals based on standardization, continuous improvement, built-in quality, just-in-time inventory management and people involvement. Every leader in the factory is part of a well-trained help chain to support frontline employees. The company is also committed to sustainable manufacturing practices, dramatically reducing its waste and carbon outputs.
“The description of a brand as iconic has been overused, but in this case, iconic fits because the brand engenders fierce loyalty in its customers,” said Marshall Cooper, CEO of Chief Executive Group, who presented the award to Levatich at Chief Executive’s 4th Annual Smart Manufacturing Conference in Milwaukee in early April. The 100+ CEOs in attendance were treated to a keynote speech from Levatich and a tour of the firm’s state-of-the-art powertrain facility, as well as the Harley-Davidson Museum.
“In brand rankings, Harley-Davidson is a perennial Top 10 winner. The brand represents freedom, rugged individualism, excitement and a sense of rebellion. Levatich has had a lot to do with that success,” Cooper said.