Maxxis, CST announce MAP policies
Sister tire companies Maxxis and CST have developed new Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policies in order to protect their brands.
Both policies require that Maxxis and CST products be advertised at a price that meets or exceeds MAP. The policies go into effect on Sept. 1, and they apply to all forms of advertising, including TV, radio, magazine, catalog, direct mail and online sales. Retailers are also forbidden to sell Maxxis or CST products on online auction sites or third-party listing sites. The series of penalties for violating the policies escalate, ending in a 12-month suspension of an account for the third offense.
“We think that this policy is fair to everyone involved and will help to protect the value of our products for our customers and the Maxxis brand,” said Hulen King, director of Maxxis’ and CST’s Specialty Tire divisions.
For a copy of the Maxxis policy, email, and for a copy of CST’s policy, email Both policies are also available through distributors’ dealer portals.