
PWC sales approach 10% sales growth

Bucking a soft patch that began at the dawn of the year, PWC sales growth has edged solidly back into positive territory, approaching 10 percent sales growth year-over-year in August. Sales growth in the PWC category declined sharply at the end of 2012, bottoming out in early 2013. The news is according to the latest figures released from Info-Link Technologies.

Continuing improvement shown throughout the summer of 2013, sales of 15-foot or greater powerboats have shown their third consecutive, albeit slight, gain in year-over-year sales growth edging closer to 10-percent growth.

Ski boat sales growth continues at its recent growth rate, near 10 percent, which has held strong throughout most of 2012 and 2013. Ski boat sales growth has steadily increased for the past four years — a dramatic turnaround — and has remained at its current pace since the end of 2012.

Outboards continue showing very solid sales growth, which exceeded the 10-percent mark at the end of August. While sales growth in the outboard category dropped at the beginning of 2013, its growth has increased markedly every month since the start of the summer season.

The data is based on new U.S. boat registrations. Bellwether states are geographically dispersed states representing roughly half of the US boat market (which varies by market segment and time of year). Full graphs are available here: Info-Link Technologies Bellwether Report.

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