ARRA seeks industry input from Dealer Expo
Americans for Responsible Recreational Access will be attending Dealer Expo Feb. 15-17 in Indianapolis to a push to get more dealers and industry professionals to join its efforts in preserving trail access for off-highway use.
“Dealer Expo is a great opportunity for dealers and everyone who cares about OHV recreation to sign up for ARRA,” ARRA Executive Director Larry Smith said. “It’s free, and ARRA’s effectiveness is undeniable. ARRA members who use our alerts to weigh in with their decision-makers provide a grassroots punch to augment our lobbying activities on Capitol Hill. The one-two combo has proven very effective.”
At the show, the ARRA will be stationed in the Motorcycle Industry Council Business Center in Wabash Room 3. Interested parties can also sign up for ARRA at
The ARRA was instrumental in stopping the lead ban on youth ATVs and dirt bikes, and it helped with the continuation of the Recreational Trails Program. ARRA members have contacted Congress more than 2 million times in the past few years.
“Access is a huge issue for the powersports industry,” said MIC Director of Federal Affairs Duane Taylor. “Not only are sales contingent on riding opportunities for consumers, but the powersports industry is an industry of passion. Most of us are riders and use these products ourselves and with our families. Signing up with an organization like ARRA is a no brainer, and the rate of return for clicking the ‘take action’ button in an ARRA alert a few times a month is huge compared to the very minimal effort it takes to participate.”