
Dealers gear up for Super Bowl with events

As part of our daily interactions with dealers, Powersports Business editors have come upon some interesting dealership events related to the Super Bowl. Their one common theme is creating community and giving customers yet another reason to walk into the dealership.

Pre-Game Party. On Saturday, Feb. 2 from noon to 4 p.m. Birds of Prey Motorsports in Caldwell, Idaho, will host a Pre-Game Party. Dubbed the “Best Damn Place to be on the Saturday before the Big Game,” the event will feature food, drinks and football-related coverage on all screens. Wear a football jersey and receive a free gift. Clothing discounts up to 85 percent off.

Super Bowl Dish Challenge. Wildhorse Harley-Davidson in Bend, Ore., adds to its consistently awesome lineup of events with its Super Bowl Party on Sunday, Feb. 3. The party starts at 3 p.m., with a $100 gift card to the store for the most creative Super Bowl Dish Challenge. It’s a B.Y.O.B. affair.

Pre-Super Bowl Tailgate Party. Javelina Harley-Davidson in Boerne, Texas, is hosting a Tailgate Party on Saturday, Feb. 2 from noon-4 p.m. Lunch at noon, with a horseshoe tournament and football toss game at 3 p.m. Bring your own food, drink, pits and chairs.

Ravens Autographed Custom Bike. Ellicott City Motorsports in Maryland is catching Ravens fever. A Ravens custom motorcycle signed by the 2009 Ravens team is on display in the store, and customers are encouraged to check it out.

Super Bowl Saturday. Attendees at Super Bowl Saturday at Charlie’s Harley-Davidson in Huntington, W. Va., can win an Xbox 360 with Madden 2013 or a $200 gift card to the store. The winner of the Madden tournament gets the prize. Pre-registration required, with no same-day entries allowed. Registration only accepted via email.

Super Madden Showdown. Similar in format to Charlie’s H-D party, Surdyke Harley-Davidson’s Super Madden Showdown will bring together gamers at the dealership on Saturday, Feb. 2. The dealership, located in Festus, Mo., will provide an Xbox 360 Kinect and a copy of Madden NFL 2013 to the winner. The tournament begins at 10:30 a.m., with food and drink available. Registration is available in advance at the store.

OK, what cool event at your dealership did we overlook?

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