Lucky key promotion a hit for Harley-Davidson dealership
News release
Imagine getting the keys to a brand new Harley-Davidson motorcycle in your mailbox. That’s exactly what happened to Chris Pierce of Sandy Hook, Conn., who recently won a 2012 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, courtesy of Harley-Davidson of Danbury, and paid for by Odds On Promotions, after he received a postcard in the mail.
To promote a very large end-of-season sale, Harley-Davidson of Danbury sent out thousands of over-sized postcards, each with a small key attached, announcing the chance to win a brand new Fat Boy Lo if the key on the mail piece was the “lucky key” that would open a locked treasure chest placed on the dealership’s showroom floor.
To ensure the promotion didn’t end up costing them more than they bargained for, the dealership insured the promotion with Odds On Promotions, the nation’s largest direct mail prize insurance provider.
A couple of days after receiving the mailer, Pierce was out shopping and decided to swing by the dealership. He showed his mailer to the cashier at the dealership who directed him to a floor display featuring a locked chest where he tested his key. To everyone’s surprise, it opened, winning Pierce the new set of wheels.
“We do several direct mail promotions each year; they are very effective for driving traffic” according to Jeff Watson, marketing manager with Harley-Davidson of Danbury, which created the promotion. “This was the first time we’ve had a winner and we were very glad that Odds On Promotions was there to pay for the prize. We were thrilled to hand Chris the keys to his new ride. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.”
“We insure dozens of key mailers every month,” said Mark Gilmartin, president of Odds On Promotions, the prize insurance company that insured the direct mail promotion and paid for the Fat Boy Lo. “Not only have studies shown that ‘lumpy’, that is, dimensional mailers, drive bigger response rates, but when you pair them with an incentive that speaks to your target customer, such as the chance to win a new car, or in this case a Harley, it just makes the offer that much more enticing — and effective.”