
Recreational Trails Program in jeopardy

The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council reports that immediate action is needed for the Recreational Trails Program to avoid elimination.

The RTP is one of the most important sources of funding for motorized trail systems in the U.S. Without this program, thousands of miles of motorized trails would no longer exist or would not have been possible in the first place.

The NOHVCC reports that the program in in jeopardy. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) has proposed legislation that will threaten the existence of RTP and has already passed it out of Committee.

The NOHVCC asks RTP supporters to ensure that Chairman Boxer and the other members of the Environment and Public Works Committee understand how important RTP is and urge them to protect dedicated funding for the RTP in a manager’s amendment before the bill moves forward. RTP supporters are encouraged to emphasize that RTP money comes from motorized recreation and pays for itself.

Americans for Responsible Recreational Access (ARRA) has written a letter that RTP supporters can send to legislators. The letter can be found here.

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