Report says Twitter, LinkedIn growing at fastest rate
The U.S. mobile social media audience grew by 37 percent in the past year, according to a new report by comScore, Inc. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn all saw mobile growth of at least 50 percent.
The report also showed that 72.2 million Americans accessed social networking sites or blogs on their mobile device in August 2011, an increase of 37 percent in the past year.
Facebook was home to the largest mobile audience with more than 57 million mobile users in August, up 50 percent from the previous year. Twitter saw its mobile audience jump 75 percent to 13.4 million people, while LinkedIn’s mobile audience climbed 69 percent to 5.5 million users, the comScore report said. Read the entire report here.
Speaking of Twitter – are your customers following your dealership or company on Twitter? If so, they’re more likely to both buy from you, and recommend your brand, according to a new study. Read the story here.