XY Powersports closes operations, dealers say
XY Powersports, a China-based manufacturer of side-by-sides, has closed its U.S. distributorship in Loveland, Ohio, several industry members have reported to Powersports Business. XY Powersports had been in business since 2010 in the U.S.
AP Venture, a brick-and-mortar dealership in Plover, Wis., that sells KYMCO ATVs, UTVs and scooters, previously carried the XY lineup.
“September 30th was XY’s last day in operation, and all of the parts and vehicles they had in Cincinnati — about 217,000 parts — went on trailers to nowhere,” AP Venture parts manager Cory Coulthurst said.
Coulthurst has since reached out to suppliers who provided XY with its parts, and has secured parts for the various brands that XY produced.
Coulthurst said XY dealers in need of parts can contact him at apventuresales@gmail.com for more information. The dealership’s phone number is 715-952-7077.
“We’re working on launching wholesale and retail websites so that dealers and consumers can find parts,” Coulthurst said. “So far the XY dealers we’ve talked to have been real supportive.”