PWC sales flat year-over-year in May
Following more than five years of declining PWC sales, the PWC market leveled out in May compared to the previous year, according to the latest report from Info-Link Technologies.
PWC Sales have been declining year over year since March 2007, according to the Info-Link Bellwether report, but finally reached a bottom in May, showing no change, with sales even for the month against 2011.
PWC sales began to flatten in April for Bellwether states, but data for all U.S. states shows PWC sales performing worse than the top boating areas. Sales were still dropping more than 10 percent year-over-year in March for all U.S. states, though the trend for all states shows improvement.
Data for the Info-Link report is based on new U.S. boat registrations, representing roughly half of the U.S. boating market, geographically dispersed.