Big Bike Parts showcases products in Open House
Event designed to generate traffic in dealerships
For 19 years Big Bike Parts has found a big way to celebrate its new products with its annual Open House event.
This year is no different, except that the event has grown since the early 1990s. More than 125 dealers in nearly two dozen countries will welcome the event on their turf this year.
The purpose of the event is to attract customers to dealerships to learn what new products are available — from Big Bike Parts and any other suppliers.
“The design of it is obviously to give the consumers names of dealers that are going to have new products on the shelves,” said Bruce Crotteau, director of sales and marketing.
The only stipulation of hosting a Big Bike Parts Open House is the dealership must have the company’s new products in stock.
“The incentive for them is to make sure they have the new products. When a consumer or enthusiast walks in the door, they know what the old stuff is — they want to see what’s new,” Crotteau explained.
Dealers sign up by contacting Big Bike Parts. Each then receives an Open House kit that includes catalogs, prize giveaways, Rider magazine subscription information and ballot boxes and entry forms for the grand prize giveaway. This year Big Bike Parts is giving away five $1,000 cash grand prizes on Oct. 3. In the past, the company has given away a variety of items, from merchandise to motorcycles.

Some dealers only host the Big Bike Parts promotion during the Open House events, while others tack on their own activities, including poker runs, rides or their own open house celebrations.
Customers have been known to ride far to attend one of these events, and some return year after year or attend more than one in a season.
“The reason we continue to do it is to continue giving them a reason and place to go to ride,” Crotteau said. “As motorcyclists, that’s what we do.”
Big Bike Parts has already released more than 20 new products this year, and it plans to reveal a total of 50 through 2012. The Rice Lake, Wis.-based company believes that by attending Open House events, consumers are able to better understand what Big Bike Parts and other suppliers offer.
“I think you’ve got a lot of people that want to see new product, feel it, touch it, see it installed on the bikes,” Crotteau said.
For dealers, Big Bike Parts Open Houses bring traffic into their stores to see not only what Big Bike Parts has to offer, but also what other products are available at the dealership.
“I think it’s a win-win, I really do, because it’s more than just going to see our new products — it’s going to see all the new products,” Crotteau said. “I think typically when customers are going to an event or an open house event, I think they’re going to be surprised to see they’re not just going to see our new products. … They have an opportunity to see hundreds of new products.”

Big Bike Parts has kept its Open House going for nearly two decades to support its retailers. The event certainly helps the company and its brands Show Chrome Accessories, Hopnel and UltraGard; however it’s not necessary for the company as a whole, Crotteau said.
“It’s a way for us to help support the brick and mortar stores out there,” he added. “That experience is very much sought after.”
The Open House tour began in early April and it will run through Sept. 1. The event is traveling throughout the United States, as well as 20 other countries, including Australia, Canada, Morocco and several in Europe and Asia.