On Feb. 26, A.D. Farrow Co. Harley-Davidson celebrated a milestone. America’s oldest Harley dealer celebrated 100 years in business. In order to mark the day, the company threw a “Save the Date” party in February to tell guests about “The Celebration of the Century” powered by Nationwide Insurance this summer in Columbus, Ohio. In conjunction with several bike giveaways via bike nights and charitable causes, the company will host a huge bash on Saturday at The Shop at NorthStar.
In order to celebrate, the company worked with Quaker Steak & Lube in order to put on the “Three Bike Giveaway.” This year A.D. Farrow Co. is able to boast that two bikes will be given away within 100 hours of each other. Bike No. 2 will be given away on Saturday at The Shop at NorthStar. The company also teamed up with Gaswerks, Rusty Bucket locations, Gatsby’s and the Bluestone to create a series of bike nights and rallies for motorcycle enthusiasts.
The day is going to be packed with activities for children and adults alike. In order to begin the day with a charitable pulse, A.D. Farrow Co. will host The Big Wish Ride registration. At around noon, more than 50 vendors will arrive to entertain the thousands of expectant guests. The variety of vendors ranges from The National Guard to Pepsi. The American Motorcyclist Association will also have a presence at the event. Dealer principal Bob Althoff has been an extremely strong supporter of the AMA. In fact, A.D. Farrow Co. family of dealerships pays for an AMA membership for every new bike buyer and Rider’s Edge student.
As the afternoon progresses, executives from Harley-Davidson will ride in just in time for a Rock N’ Roll Fashion Show with Harley-Davidson and students from Ohio State University. These future entrepreneurs have started the first OSU fashion magazine, Scarlett|Grey. A. D. Farrow Co. has roots with the university that run deep. Each year the company sponsors an athlete with an endowed scholarship. This year, tennis player Nelson Vick is the recipient of the scholarship.
After the fashion show, local southern rock band Kicking Dixie will take the stage for one last performance as a group. It will then be time for Billboard Top 100 and multiplatinum band Warrant to rock The Shop at NorthStar with hits like “Cherry Pie,” “Heaven” and “Down Boys.” Sometime during the free concert a brand new Harley-Davidson Sportster will be given way to one present member of the audience.
Staying true to its charitable DNA, A.D. Farrow Co. Harley-Davidson has announced that 100 percent of proceeds generated from alcohol sales will be donated to Flying Horse Farms. Flying Horse Farms provides transformative camp experiences for children with serious illnesses. Located just outside of Mt. Gilead, Ohio, Flying Horse Farms hosts hundreds of children and families each year free of charge.