
nizeX’s growth surges with new digs, CRM

Software firm looks to expand to other markets

nizeX, Inc. is on the move. Just two years after transferring its Ohio-based employees to a new location, company growth is forcing nizeX to relocate to a new facility.

In their third move in three years, nizeX’s Ohio employees will relocate on Aug. 1 to an office larger than their current home. The move will allow nizeX’s employees who had been working remotely to join their colleagues. The space is also large enough for additional sales staff currently being hired to fill a new division of the company. Meanwhile nizeX will continue using its facility in Georgia, as well as remote offices across the U.S.

Standalone CRM
The new division of nizeX will handle sales of the company’s standalone customer relationship management software. Though the CRM has been available to nizeX’s Lizzy DMS customers since the DMS became available in 2009, it is being offered for the first time as a standalone to powersports and outdoor power equipment dealers, as well as businesses in other industries.

The Lizzy CRM tracks calls, schedules follow-ups, sends texts messages or emails and formulates letters to help dealers keep up with prospecting before, during and after sales. It also gives dealers the ability to track their customers by their level of importance to the business.

“It is a robust communication gathering and sharing of information tool,” vice president and CEO Pete Rassega said.

Reporting features allow managers to track the stages of their selling processes, display call logs for individual members of the sales staff, study potential dollar figures for the store and forecast future business activity. The system is also web-based, so it’s available anywhere with Internet access.

Pete Rassega

“The system just takes customer service and customer contact to the next level, and it does it very easily and very seamlessly without a lot of intensive user input into it,” Rassega explained.

nizeX plans to market the standalone CRM module to dealers who aren’t users of its Lizzy DMS, and with its new division, market to industries that it hasn’t worked with previously. The company’s goal is to help dealers by creating a partnership.

“We don’t develop software; we develop partnerships and relationships. And in doing that process, it’s a privilege, it’s truly a privilege when someone lets you help them manage their livelihood,” Rassega said.

Bluetooth service scanner
A new feature nizeX has added to the Lizzy DMS is a Bluetooth barcode scanner that allows a dealer’s service department to quickly pull up information on a unit and instantly create a service ticket.

To use the system, a dealer places a barcode on each unit sold. The barcode can be hidden under a seat, on a frame, or anywhere else not too noticeable, but still accessible to a scanner. When the vehicle comes in for service, the tech can meet the customer outside the dealership or in the shop and scan the barcode using nizeX’s scanTag scanner.

“Once you scan that tag, Lizzy recognizes the customer and what service has been done,” Rassega explained.

The scanner works with an iPad, iPhone, Droid phone or Droid tablet, allowing the information to be read instantly. After the scan, a work order is generated in the system, and the tech or service writer can make any changes to the order by editing information on their Bluetooth-enabled device or any other computer using Lizzy.

“That just makes it easy to get accurate information directly,” Rassega said.

Looking toward the future
Moving office locations, offering its CRM as a standalone and marketing the new scanTag feature are just the start for nizeX. The company also recently redesigned its website, offering clients and potential customers more information about its services and easier access to the library of Lizzy tutorial videos. nizeX also has been working with a number of vendors that want to plug into its DMS.

With so much going on, nizeX has shown no signs that it’s ready to slow down.

“It’s about to get crazy. It’s about to explode,” Rassega said. He expects the company to double or triple in size over the next few years.

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