
Sea-Doo offers expanded ‘ingenious’ trailer line

Double trailer among
four latest models

By Jeff Hemmel
Contributing Writer

One year after introducing the iCatch trailer concept, Sea-Doo is increasing its trailer offerings for 2012 and has added four models to the brand’s previous two-unit lineup. Three of the six units will be base offerings, and three will feature the brand’s innovative iCatch system, essentially a hitch-post latching mechanism that allows an owner to load and unload a craft in quick, easy fashion.

“We had only two trailers, and our dealer network told us they’d like us to have a double trailer and enlarge our family,” said Alain Dionne, marketing manager PAC North America at BRP. “We’re really serious about getting into the trailer business and also promoting our iCatch technology. We’re going to build from the factory over 60 percent of new Sea-Doo models with iCatch standard. We’re serious about promoting this neat feature.”

Model details on ‘Move’
The new line, now branded under the model name Move, spans the entire price spectrum, from base model to high-end offerings. The flagship will now be a two-craft version of the original iCatch, the Move II Advanced TEC with iCatch. It features a galvanized or powder-coated finish, torsion axle suspension, stand-on fenders and roller bunks.

A second model — the Move II — foregoes the iCatch system to lower cost, while offering leaf suspension, stand-on fenders, carpeted bunks and traditional winch posts.

A total of four models comprise the Move I series. The base Move I features traditional bunks, leaf suspension and a standard winch system for consumers who do little trailering. Galvanized or powder-coated finishes are available.

The Move I Advanced TEC WP also features carpeted bunks, but adds the torsion axle suspension and Sea-Doo’s Walk Pad, a U-shaped, raised platform that allows the consumer access to both sides of the craft without getting in the water.
The Move I Advanced TEC with iCatch adds roller-style bunks to accommodate the iCatch mechanism and features a simple raised step for easy access to the craft.

The premier single-model trailer is the Move I Advanced TEC with iCatch & Walk Pad, which, as the name suggests, includes all of the above, plus the raised Walk Pad platform.

Those familiar with the original iCatch series will notice one obvious construction modification for 2012 — rather than the rounded tubes of the original series, the Move trailers feature a traditional square frame. According to Sea-Doo reps, the new shape offers the advantage of easily accommodating existing aftermarket accessories, such as spare tire carriers. Improvements have also been made to the safety cable in an effort to expedite the trailering process.

As with the original design, watercraft must be equipped with the iCatch bow eye “cup” in order to use the system. Retrofit kits are reportedly in the works for older-model craft.

Dealer education
In order to sell both consumers — and dealers — on the iCatch concept, the company will be launching a promotional campaign dubbed “Easy In, Easy Out In Less Than One Minute.” Through video and print materials, an effort will be made to show the speed and ease of use of the iCatch system. The first promotional video, screened at Sea-Doo’s press introduction this summer, featured a split-screen comparison between an iCatch owner and a traditional trailer owner.

According to Dionne, the process breaks down into four simple steps — unlatching the safety lock, walking to the PWC via the Walk Pad platform, releasing the remote iCatch handle and rolling the craft into the water. All steps are accomplished in four, 15-second intervals. Printed materials will be available to dealers showcasing the advantage.

“The biggest obstacle is getting people to accept innovation in the trailer business,” said Robert Lumley, BRP VP of North American sales, “and to look at trailers as something they can sell as part of their value proposition in the dealership, as opposed to ‘What is the single-lowest price I can get?’ We need to get dealers’ minds around the idea that innovation in the trailer business is a cool idea.”

Securing more trailer business starts with showing the product in action. In fact, a demo made all the difference when trying to close the sale for Scott Loos, a sales manager at Barney’s Motorsports in St. Petersburg, Fla.

“It’s ingenious,” Loos said. “If you have the ability to have one on your showroom floor with a ski on it, so you can show the customer how easy it goes on and off, we’ve found that it’s not that difficult to sell.”

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