August 8, 2011 – Lemco: the ‘consummate trainer and dealmaker’
Edward Lemco, the consummate trainer and dealmaker.
There is an old saying that if you throw a man a fish he will eat today, but if you teach him how to fish, he will eat for a lifetime. Ed taught me how to fish and I am very, very grateful for having known him, both professionally and personally.
I just know he will be in line at the pearly gates organizing the angels to determine if there is a better way to handle the traffic coming through. And yes, there will be traffic logs and gate counters installed, too.
Ed took me into a group after I became a partner in my first store and I was in awe of this mountain of knowledge and energy. I could not believe he knew this much about how to make money in a motorcycle dealership and even more unbelievable to me was that he would share it for only $199 per month.
Ed was always calling himself a broker of information. Well, he was much more than that. He talked the talk and he walked the walk. It was great to see Ed transition, quite successfully, into the retail side himself while maintaining training as his real passion. He was a front line guy that loved to put on the microphone and share what he knew was a better way. He also loved to see people take that information and succeed with it themselves.
Thanks to Ed, I’ll never forget how to eat an elephant or where to find sympathy in the dictionary, but most of all I’ll never forget the excitement and joy it brought Ed when he reflected how many good fisherman he had trained. He truly loved seeing “his dealers” succeed. I owe Ed more than I can say.
My heart goes out to Connie, his children, grandchildren, siblings and all like me that shared in his friendship, and his wisdom. Godspeed Ole Uncle Ed. Thanks for teaching me how to fish.
Mark Tkach is managing partner of RideNow Powersports, a nationwide chain of 22 dealerships.