
BRP unveils Spyder Five

Today Can-Am officially unveiled the Spyder Five: five riders of differing backgrounds who will crisscross North America on the Can-Am Spyder roadster, blog and produce mini documentaries of their trips on the SpyderRyder.com community blog and Can-Am roadster Facebook page at facebook.com/canamspyder.

“The Spyder Five are a perfect fit for the tight-knit, yet diverse Can-Am Spyder roadster riding community and a great way to showcase the appeal and capabilities of the vehicle,” said Bernard Guy, Can-Am vice-president, sales and marketing. “Each of the five brings a different perspective to the product, which is ideal as the roadster appeals to a wide-ranging group of riding enthusiasts. Our goal is to create an environment that will invite consumers to experience the thrill of open-air riding; the Spyder Five will help us achieve this goal.”

The Spyder Five are Daniel Bastien (Ste-Anne-des-Plaines, Québec), who runs SpyderTeam.com, the premier French-language social media forum for Can-Am roadster owners and fans; Lamont Bryden (Mosheim, Tenn.), who runs the largest independent social media forum for Spyder enthusiasts, SpyderLovers.com; Mickey Fisher (Ironton, Ohio), a winner of the 2011 Search for the Next Can-Am Spyder Ambassadors who plans to make a short action film starring the Can-Am Spyder roadster; Faran Hearyman (Judsonia, Ark.), a mother of two girls who also won the 2011 Search for the Next Can-Am Spyder Ambassadors; and Fred Rau (Hemet, California), the legendary motorcycle journalist and tour leader who has owned more than 350 motorcycles and has logged 1.4 million miles in the saddle.

The Spyder also took center stage last weekend at the fourth annual North American Can-Am Spyder Owners Event in Maggie Valley, N.C.

Nearly 430 Can-Am Spyder roadsters and 660 people attended the largest BRP gathering of roadsters ever assembled and made the trek across North America to take part in the celebration in the heart of the Smoky Mountains.

Spyder roadster owners, some of whom traveled from as far away as Europe to attend, were given the opportunity to interact with fellow event participants and meet and ride with BRP officials.

“Everyone at BRP anticipates the annual Can-Am Spyder roadster event because it allows us to speak one-on-one with our most dedicated customers,” said Yves Leduc, vice president and general manager BRP’s North America division. “Not only can we discuss the product, but we get to ride with these Can-Am enthusiasts and learn about their experiences aboard our roadster. This year was not only important because of where we held the event, but also because it was BRP’s largest Spyder roadster gathering to date. The attendance speaks volumes for the success of this vehicle and the passion our owners have for it.”

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