CycleTrader offers private sellers free ads has launched its free Place an Ad service for private motorcycle sellers.
Individuals can now post a listing of their bike with four photos for two weeks at no charge. A $49 package, which includes additional photos, video, priority placement and other upgrades for 12 weeks, is also available. The new package is priced more than $20 cheaper than CycleTrader’s previous packages. All postings will appear on CycleTrader’s mobile website and iPhone and iPad applications at no additional charge.
“With the transition to free classified listings, we look forward to introducing thousands of new consumers to and seeing former sellers come back to post another ad,” Scott Spears, director of CycleTrader’s private party advertising, said in a press release. “As gas prices soar, we’ll continue to see an increase in the number of buyers looking for motorcycles as an affordable means of transportation.” receives more than 1 million visitors and 150,000 motorcycle postings per month.