Husqvarna offers rentals for ISDE
To help accommodate more American riders in the International Six Day Enduro, Husqvarna Motorcycles and Finnish importer MP-Racing are offering Husqvarna rental bikes at the race’s site in Kotka-Hamina, Finland.
The cost of a 2-stroke rental will run 2,000 euro, while a 4-stroke model will rent at 2,300 euro, excluding a 23 percent tax. Two-stroke models available are the WR125, WR250 and the WR-300, while 4-stroke options include the TE 250, TE 310, TE 449 and the TE 511. Each is supplied with hand guards and a skid plate, while the 4-stoke models include racing exhausts. An optional service package, which runs 1,000 euro plus the 23 percent tax, includes: access to all Husqvarna Service Stations, personnel for technical assistance, tools for service, a supply of emergency spare parts, gasoline, liquids for service, refreshments and beverages, two air filters every race day and personalized fine tuning before the race.
The race runs Aug. 8-13, and reservations for a Husqvarna rental must be secured by May 31. For more details, visit