February 7, 2011-Program seeks to boost early season sales
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) has a sweet treat for dealerships: a free, animated e-card that promotes the industry’s Revive Your Ride! campaign.
“Who needs chocolate? The best Valentine’s Day present for the biker in your life is something that fuels his or her passion for riding,” said MIC Vice President of Communications Cam Arnold. “This free Revive Your Ride! e-card is the perfect way to remind customers that when it comes to motorcycle gear, apparel, parts, accessories, and service, powersports dealerships have their best interests at heart.
“Plus, it’s a cute Valentine’s Day message with the couple riding off happily ever after,” Arnold continued. “We expect the card will be forwarded to make sure wives, girlfriends and boyfriends get the hint that there is still time to find the perfect Valentine’s gift that will Revive Your Ride!”
The MIC invites dealerships to take advantage of this free tool to share Valentine’s Day greetings with customers, vendors, business associates and friends. Part of the industry’s Revive Your Ride! promotional campaign, the e-card can be viewed and downloaded at https://online2.mic.org/ReviveYourRide/Downloads.aspx. The MIC will also create free personalized versions that include the dealership name. Requests for personalized e-cards should be emailed to ryr@mic.org.
Revive Your Ride! is funded by the MIC aftermarket members and is the first industry-wide promotional campaign designed to help raise consumer awareness about special dealership sales, incentives and activities across the nation to help increase dealership traffic. Dealerships can download logos, ad planners, advertising templates and other promotional items, at www.mic.org/reviveyourride.
Find out more about Revive Your Ride! and sign up for email updates at www.mic.org/reviveyourride. PSB