Free holiday e-cards available for dealers
Dealers looking to send holiday wishes to their customers, vendors or business associates can take advantage of the Motorcycle Industry Council’s free Revive Your Ride! e-cards.
The MIC offers four versions of the card, which show an animated Santa Claus riding a motorcycle, scooter, ATV or UTV through a forest of gifts, helmets, boots and other accessories. Dealers can personalize the cards by adding the company name to the center banner and a logo, hours, coupon, special offer, event announcement or other information to the footer.
“As the shopping season is upon us, we encourage all powersports dealerships, retailers and MIC member companies to get into the holiday spirit and thank those who support our industry,” MIC President Tim Buche said in a press release. “This fun, free tool is an great way for companies to reach out to their customer base and help spread the word that now is the perfect time to Revive Your Ride!”
The cards can be found at, and requests for personalization should be e-mailed to