
Powersports veterans launch networking site

Sunbelt Powersports M&A, a powersports mergers and acquisitions company, and a large Texas multi-line powersports dealer have partnered and launched an online financing application resource, Recreational Retail Resource (R3) stated in a press release.

R3 uses free online social networking to give dealers a secure management tool, stated the release. It allows them to find lenders to finance vehicle sales along with electronically inputting, submitting and tracking those applications at any time.

“We found that most dealers recognize the need for adding additional lending sources, but either don’t know how to approach lenders or have tried it and found the leg work too tedious to continue as a normal practice,” COO Tom Macatee stated in the release. “Now, www.rcubelink.com is the single spot where dealers and lenders can go to find each other and start doing more deals.”

The creators of R3 saw a need for an electronic resource for dealers that manages all of their non-OEM sponsored lender relationships in one place. The site, rcubelink.com, connects dealers to lenders and vice versa.

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