Deadline nearing on Training Day Contest for dealers
Dealers can now enter a contest that is aimed at improving their store’s profitability in two key areas: sales and PG&A.
Under the Powersports Business’ Training Day Contest, two industry trainers will come to a dealership for one day at no cost to the dealer. Those trainers will include Derek Sanders, V-SEPT’s trainer and consultant; and Jennifer Robison, Tucker Rocky’s retail environment specialist.
The results from those on-site training presentations will be featured in a future edition of Powersports Business.
“Thanks to our partners V-SEPT and Tucker Rocky, this is the second year we’ve offered this contest,” Powersports Business Editor Neil Pascale said. “Both our partners and Powersports Business realize how important improved profitability will be going forward for dealerships after a challenging 2009.”
Deadline to register for the Training Day Contest is Thursday, May 6. The winning dealership will be selected at random by Powersports Business on Friday, May 7.
For questions, please contact Powersports Business Editor Neil Pascale at
To enter the contest, dealers need to fill out an entry form for
Powersports Business’ annual Bold Ideas contest.
Download the form here.