Dec. 28, 2009 – Snowmobile Digest
Illinois snowmobile trails receive $200,000
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources awarded state snowmobile trail grants, which totaled $200,000. Nine local governments and the statewide snowmobile association received the grants for trail maintenance, equipment and safety improvements for public-access snowmobile trails in Illinois, according to the state department.
The state snowmobile grant program is funded entirely by snowmobilers through the registration fees they pay. There are nearly 38,000 registered snowmobiles in Illinois.
The snowmobile grant program is administered by the state department of natural resource. Applications for the next round of grants are available by contacting the department’s Division of Grant Administration. Applications are accepted March 1-May 1.
Powersport Innovations introduces safety product
Powersport Innovations introduced Safe Ride for snowmobiles. The patented system utilizes a strobing, red LED to warn followers when the sled is decelerating from throttle reduction and engine braking.
The new technology on the Safe Ride system includes a microprocessor-controlled G-force sensing module. As a snowmobile throttles down or decelerates, the module provides power to the LED. The advanced warning system works with any reduction of speed as well as when the brakes are applied.
Safe Ride draws power of 170 milliamps. Featuring a low-profile design, its highly visible LED can last up to 100,000 hours. The system is fully water-, shock- and vibration-proof. With marine-grade wire and epoxy-embedded circuitry, it can withstand harsh weather conditions.