Industry support urged on lead law language
The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) is urging riders to ask their U.S. senators and representatives to support language in an appropriations bill that would allow youth off-road motorcycles and ATVs to continue to be sold.
The language, written by Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) and included in the House fiscal year 2010 Financial Services Appropriations bill, would bar the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) from spending money to implement or enforce a section of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) that relates to youth-model off-highway motorcycles and ATVs.
The CPSIA limits the amount of lead allowed in products meant for children 12 years old and younger. While aimed at toys originating in China, the law also covers youth-model off-highway motorcycles and ATVs because certain parts, including batteries and valve stems, may contain lead.
While the Rehberg language is in a bill that was approved by the full House and sent to the Senate for consideration, there is no similar language in any Senate appropriations bill. Therefore, the AMA is asking concerned riders to urge their senators and representatives to include the Rehberg language in the final version of the fiscal year 2010 Financial Services appropriations bill or the Omnibus Appropriations bill, whichever passes the full Senate.
The AMA says the most effective way to contact senators and representatives is to call them. To obtain contact information for elected officials, go to > Rights > Issues & Legislation. Additionally, a prewritten e-mail is available to send to lawmakers by following the “Take Action” option on and entering the constituent information.
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