
Sept. 7, 2009 – Answers to your inventory challenge

To Powersports Business readers:

How can a dealership more effectively rid itself of noncurrents?
What marketing attempts are actually worth the money to solve your noncurrent situation?
How should you change your ordering process after such a falloff in sales?
These are all incredibly important questions that you’ll find guidance to in Powersports Business’ first e-white paper, “How to effectively manage your inventory.” For many, the term “e-white paper” may sound a bit too “techie” for them. So let me explain. Simply put, an “e-white paper” is a collection of voices that all speak to a common topic via an online publication, rather than our traditional magazine format. In this case, the topic is inventory management. You’ll find the e-white paper voices are all intended to make you and your dealership run smarter and more efficiently. Some of that means conveying some of the business basics behind inventory management — essentially improving your forecasting abilities through different formulas and techniques — as well as some alternative measures, like the use of wholesale opportunities.
On this page, you’ll see excerpts to the e-white paper, which is sponsored by Manheim Specialty Powersports Auctions. For the complete columns, plus the entire 25-page e-white paper, go to PowersportsBusiness.com and you’ll see the area to download the
e-white paper.
We sincerely hope this industry collaboration will ease your inventory concerns this fall and into the next selling season.
— Editor Neil Pascale

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