April 2, 2007 – Schwinn partners with specialty retailer
Schwinn Motor Scooters, a Pacific Cycle Inc. company and a division of Dorel Industries, partnered with a specialty retailer, Buckle, for a consumer promotion/sweepstakes that ran March 7 -28.
With more than 350 retail locations across 38 states, Buckle sells on-trend apparel, footwear and accessories.
Buckle’s annual sales are in excess of $500 million, with male business representing approximately 44 percent of total sales and female business representing approximately 56 percent.
“This is a great campaign that can drive customers through our dealers’ doors,” said George Simone, vice president, Schwinn Motor Sports. “Buckle is a great way for us to reach younger consumers.”
“Schwinn is a great fit for Buckle,” said Ginny Caggiano, marketing consultant to Buckle. “Both brands are all-American and exude great style.”
Schwinn supplied five scooters as grand prizes for the promotion/sweepstakes. Store visitors who tried on BKE jeans, shorts, tops or shoes received a pull-tab game card, which featured a Schwinn scooter image. PSB