BRP’s concept vehicle – September 25, 2006
Gen Y consumers, those ages14 to 23 years old, are a complex lot, an intriguing market to attract.
BRP says it hopes to address these consumers with the EXIT, a four-wheel crossover vehicle the company describes as being positioned between a trial motorcycle and a BMX bicycle. The vehicle won the prestigious IDEA 2006 Design Explorations Silver Award, and is a unit the company says was conceived as part of its design team’s ongoing search for innovative solutions for new markets.
Powered by a low-horsepower Rotax 4-TEC engine encased in a Surrounding Spar Technology (SST) frame and wrapped in a minimalist polyethylene body with a color scheme borrowed from classic military vehicles, the lightweight EXIT is a sort of freestyle ATV.
BRP says the unit was designed to create a new kind of riding style, something one company official said “allows the rider to discover new tricks and continually improve his or her riding skills.”
Will we see it in BRP’s product line-up in the near future? The Canadian company isn’t saying.