Feb. 13, 2006 – Corbin shopping Sparrow II, Merlin
Tom Corbin says he now has the rights to all of the intellectual property concerning the electric Sparrow II and V-twin-powered Merlin three-wheeled vehicles, and said he is seeking parties interested in purchasing an exclusive license to manufacture, distribute and sell the units.
Corbin Motors, the original licensee of the two vehicles, filed bankruptcy in 2003. Corbin Motors was formed on March 29, 1999, to manufacture environmentally friendly urban vehicles. The company was spun-off from Corbin-Pacific, Inc., a supplier of a wide range of motorcycle seats, saddlebags, fenders, fairings and chin spoilers.
The Sparrow II is a single-passenger, three-wheeled electric vehicle classified as a motorcycle by the U.S. Department of Transportation. It has a top speed of 70 mph and a range of 40 to 60 miles per charge. The Sparrow II plugs into an ordinary 110-volt electrical outlet and fully recharges in 6 hours.
Outfitted with a four-speed manual transmission with reverse, the Merlin uses a V-twin mounted transversely in the front of the vehicle, driving the front two wheels. Corbin said he estimates the vehicle to achieve 35 mph and a top speed of more than 100 mph. The Merlin also registers, insures and parks like a motorcycle.
Corbin told Powersports Business he estimates 2,500 to 10,000 Merlin roadsters could be sold annually for about $29,900.
For more information, write to Corbin at tom@corbin.com psb