
Sledder’s Choice Wins Lawsuit

On October 20, 2004, United States District Judge William Griesbach awarded PJS Products (Sledder’s Choice) a judgement against SknowBest, Inc. for damages and fees in an amount in excess of $270,000. This judgement brings to an end, a two-and-a-half year legal battle stemming from a lawsuit filed in federal court by Philip N. Schounard, principal for PJS Products, against SknowBest, PowerMadd, Inc. and DeLanghe Enterprises, involving plastic slides for snowmobile trailers. PowerMadd and DelLanghe Enterprises had previously reached a confidential settlement agreement with PJS.
In May 2002, SknowBest authorized its attorney to draft and send cease and desist letters to key distributors in the snow industry, citing that PJS and others had infringed on a slide patent held by SknowBest. PJS countered by alleging that its slide products actually preceded any slide that was allegedly patented by SknowBest or its predecessors.
PJS says SknowBest’s letters were sent at a critical time in the decision making process for the distributors, and forced many to pull products such as PJS’ Quadra-Slide from their catalogs.
Judge Griesbach found that SknowBest was liable for tortious interference, trade libel and conspiracy to injure. In May of this year, Griesbach also issued a permanent injunction against Sknowbest from ever bringing suit against PJS, its future assigns or its customers for any slide products related to the enforcement of the patent.

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