A dealer example to follow
After being in business for nearly 40 years, it’s easy to go through the motions, but a dealer I recently talked to has managed to do much more than that, and in doing so, improve customer and employee satisfaction
Here are a few successful business practices Moon Motorsports in Monticello, Minn., utilizes:
*Customer Appreciation Program: Every dollar spent at the dealership equals a point, and the points can be redeemed for coupons on items throughout the store. One of the owners, Kyle Erickson, says the program keeps parts and service customers coming back, instead of straying to a competitor or an online source.
Result: increased repeat customers
*Understanding their customers’ wants: The dealership had customers coming in with parts they bought online looking for service department work. To gain their parts business back, Moon Motorsports switched to a more shopper-friendly Web site provider. Now shoppers can view the catalogues online and buy right then and there. Erickson says they offer parts discounts online to compete with the other online retailers. Now they have to have someone watching online orders all day, every day. They recognized they couldn’t compete with those outlets unless they joined them, which is exactly what they did.
Result: increased online sales
*Daily huddles: By having daily staff huddles, it keeps everyone informed about the happenings of the dealership. Erickson says they’re always brainstorming new ways to get the customers excited about the industry. By keeping the staff involved on a daily basis, it allows them to realize they all have important roles and encourages them to take pride in their work. Erickson says they have a close team, and everyone sincerely cares about the success of the business.
Result: enthusiastic, motivated staff
For more info about Moon Motorsports, check out its Power Profile in Powersports Business’ upcoming issue, March 8. Also visit www.moonmotorsports.com.