Dealer Consultants

Make motorcycle sales easy

I just released my new book called “Motorcycle Sales Made Easy.” I feel I did a good job at explaining several concepts, the first one being that the winner is the buyer, not the seller. Sure, the salespeople and the dealership are happy about selling a unit, but then you move on to the next customer.

The customer who just purchased the motorcycle is on cloud nine. He will be showing it off to all of his friends and relatives. Once he runs out of them he might just go show it off to his ex-wife’s boyfriend.

You have changed someone’s life. They went from dreaming about owning a new motorcycle to living the dream. You have done a very good thing.

A question that every customer should be asked is, “Would you be happier if you had one?” Of course they are going to say yes. If you understand what I am trying to say then you will understand that the mission is not to try and sell them. The goal is to make them happy. Nobody likes to be sold. Everyone likes to buy from a friend.

Building a friendly relationship is the key to being able to loosen up and engage in a conversation that will open up the customer’s wants and desires. These emotions are of upmost importance as they straddle the model of their dreams.

Everyone would own everything they wanted if there was not a charge for buying it. Money is the only thing that stops us from buying what we want. Learning how to make the selling price affordable will increase sales more than anything I know.

Eighty percent of customers finance, so really the price is not the issue. You could sell your entire inventory at double retail if you had a $50 per month payment plan.

Pushing payments is a benefit to the customer. The payment is really what many of the customers are concerned about. Many models can end with a payment of $300 or less. That would mean living the dream would only cost them $10 per day. If they trade it in or sell it in three or four years, they will get around 60 percent of it back. So in the end, the dream costs less than a number 1 at McDonalds.

Please know that I never suggest that a salesperson should quote an exact payment unless instructed to do so. But by finding out the payment range the customer was hoping to get, you can work the daily numbers from that. Many times you will be able to fit the payment into the customer’s payment range. If not, how far apart can you be? Making a payment decision is so much easier than making a retail decision.

Steve Lemco is the youngest brother of the late Ed Lemco and has been doing sales training and hiring for motorcycle dealers since 1983. He is the author of two sales books, the new “Motorcycle Sales Made Easy” and “You Gotta-Wanna.” Steve has trained in every state in the U.S., as well as England, France, Australia and New Zealand. Steve incorporates motivational boards and games along with his training and hiring because he believes the best way to get the job done is to make it fun.



Phone: 253/826-6110


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